Intrauterine Device (IUD) Insertions

About IUD Insertions

IUDs (also known as an Intrauterine Device or Mirena) are used as a form of contraception, for control of heavy menstrual bleeding, or as part of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). The most common type of IUD, the Mirena, will be effective for five years and can be replaced with a new device after that time if required.

The following GPs are experienced in IUD insertion:

  • Dr Judy Zhu
  • Dr Jemma Elliott
  • Dr Rebecca Mitchell
  • Dr Amra Ukera
  • Dr Robyn Seto
  • Dr Carmel Reynolds


You may have already discussed IUD’s with your usual GP. If you are interested in discussing IUD insertion further and being assessed to see if this is suitable for you, there is a three step process at Adelaide Health Care. All of these steps must be with one of the GP’s who does IUD insertion, and with the same GP.

What to expect

Initial Consult:
This will be a long consult (30 minutes). Information will be given about IUD’s and a pelvic examination will be performed including vaginal swabs and cervical screening if this is due.

Insertion Consult:
This will be a long consult (30 minutes) in the treatment room with your doctor and one of the Practice Nurses. Your results will be discussed and you will be consented for the procedure. The IUD will be inserted.

Follow-up Consult:
This will be a standard consult (15 minutes) six weeks after the insertion of the IUD to perform an examination and answer any questions related to the IUD.


IUD counselling and insertion requires medical expertise as well as the use of the treatment room, sterilized equipment and the Practice Nurse. For this reason NO consults relating to IUD Insertions will be bulk billed.

It is not possible to give a definite cost over the three consults as the length of consults may vary on the day. Below is an approximate cost.

The initial consult will be a long consult $193.65 with an out of pocket cost of $110.75.

The insertion consult will be $298.90 with an out of pocket cost of $178.40.  If the procedure takes longer the costs may increase to $385.20 with an out of pocket cost of $224.65.

The total cost may be $599.90 to $772.50, with total out of pocket costs (after receiving the Medicare rebate) of $353.65 to $446.15 depending on the billing over the three consults.

Fees current as of 1st July 2024.

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